What Is The Necessity To Analyze Drinking Water?

The most significant substance for humans is water, which is necessary for the survival of every living cell and organism. In contrast to food, which the body can survive without for many weeks, we cannot live without it for more than a few days. H2O makes up roughly 70 percent of our body mass. Analyses of the water for drinking are frequently required to guarantee its high quality.

It serves as a solvent for numerous body solutes and is an essential part of the metabolic process. All medical professionals agree that a person needs at least 8 glasses of this life-giving liquid per day or 168 milliliters per glass. The British Dietetic Association recommends 1.8 liters per day, while the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States recommends 2 liters per day. Water analysis is important as sometimes drinking water needs to be analyzed for the safety of our health. We have to check the below points before we proceed with the treatment of drinking water:

  • H2O is a substance that does not have any color, smell, or taste and comes from our natural environment. Its majority requires a type of treatment to make it drinkable, regardless of whether it is obtained from springs and profound underground wells. The source of the problem determines the extent of treatment.
  • Only a few places in the world do not need to treat their water. The city of Christchurch in New Zealand is one of these. It has been rated as the world’s cleanest and purest source. It is naturally filtered through 50 stations before being pumped to the city from aquifers and rock reservoirs that originate in the Southern Alps. It has not been modified in any way.
  • The rest of the world, unfortunately, is not as fortunate. There are two types of testing that can be used to set parameters for the quality of drinking water. These are microbiological and compound/physical. Microbiological boundaries incorporate E.coli, Coliform, and microorganisms, for example, Vibrio cholera which causes cholera, protozoan parasites, and infections.
  • Organic compounds, turbidity, Total Suspended Solids, and heavy metals are examples of chemical and physical parameters. Despite the fact that some chemical components, such as arsenic, nitrates, and nitrites, have a more immediate effect, the metals in chemicals pose a greater health risk because they accumulate in the body over time.
  • Physical parameters are substances that have an impact on the flavor and color of the water. The level of toxicity, mineral content, and bacteria content can all be determined after rigorous testing. Environmentalists as well as government and civilian organizations can carry out testing. Self-testing kits can also be used by homeowners to do so.
  • Drinking water testing should not be necessary if your supply comes from a sophisticated metropolitan municipality. However, it is recommended if you live in a rural area and get your water from a spring or well. A filtration system should be purchased if it has harmful pollutants in it.

Clare Louise