Concussion Signs to Look Out for After a Car Accident

Concussions are one of the most common injuries resulting from a car accident. However, its symptoms may not be immediately visible. This is why it is essential to be extra vigilant after an accident. If you are a victim of a car accident that caused an injury, seek medical help and consult a Cheyenne attorney for your claim.

Concussion- An Overview

Concussions are a mild kind of traumatic brain injury (TBI). They occur during car accidents when the head is faced with extreme force resulting in the bouncing of the brain inside the skull. It generally occurs when victims of car accidents hit their heads with the objects inside the vehicle, like the steering wheel or dashboard. Concussions are caused when the force of an accident causes the head and neck to jolt back and forth.

Symptoms of a Concussion After an Accident

Concussion signs are not immediately visible after the accident. This is why it is crucial to seek medical help right after the accident, especially if you experience the following issues:

  • Loss of consciousness 

It is not common, but it sometimes happens when car accident victims become unconscious. If you lose consciousness for about 5 to 6 six minutes or more, it may be a sign that you have a grade three concussion. If you are unconscious for only a few seconds, you may have a TBI.

  • Ringing in the ears

Victims often experience ringing in their ears or the visibility of stars. If you notice any of these symptoms, it can be a sign that you have a concussion.

  • Nausea 

After the accident, if you feel dizziness, light sensitivity, or a constant urge to vomit, it may be a sign of concussion. Feelings of nausea or lightheadedness are also common symptoms among the victims.

  • Confusion 

Victims may find difficulty in recalling details about the accident. Often, the survivors of car accidents do not remember anything about the accident. This is an indication of a concussion. They will also face issues with dates and have a hard time concentrating.

  • Sleep disturbances 

Concussions disturb the sleeping habits of an individual. If you have a concussion, you may find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep more than your normal routine.

  • Mood swings 

A concussion can significantly impact emotional health as well. The victims may experience anxiousness, anger issues, irritation, and nervousness after the accident. If these feelings persist, make sure to contact a medical professional.

Jackie Taylor